Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Microsoft and Xbox 360 Releases a new Dashboard !!

A new dashboard layout was released on Dec. 6th, 2011.  It comes with new functionality and new apps to enhance the entire Xbox Live experience. Even thou it was a little frustrating to wait for it to update.

The new dashboard comes with a Bing Search engine that basically makes things easier when you cant find something on your Xbox.

Epix another movie and TV streaming option joins the dashboard, as well as NBC's Today Show where you can check current news and features from the TV program.

Microsoft also will be adding apps like HBO GO, UFC, Fios, Youtube, and TMZ.

What really blew my mind was the new Beacon and Cloud Storage that they added to the Dashboard Menu. Beacons announce to your friends what you are doing. For example you can announce when you get an achievement or ask all your friends to jump into a game that you are playing.

The Cloud Storage is a new, free feature with the new Xbox Live Dashboard.Every Gold member gets a 512 MB of cloud storage for free. It works like any physical memory unit. You can save games to the cloud and then access the files on any Xbox 360.

Facebook and Twitter were also updated.

Since Xbox has got a new Dashboard uupdate Microsoft also made a new mobile app for iOS devices. The free app allows you to see who's online, check messages, see beacons and play with your avatar.

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