Friday, December 30, 2011

Kid gunned down by a friend.

On Anderson :

His friend shot him 3 times, 1 in the arm 1 in the chest 1 in the head just so he could be in a gang and he left him for dead. his parents didnt know their son had be shot and the hospital didnt call them for 3 days. The family tried to find the person that had saved their sons life but the police wouldnt give out his information.

The shooter got 15 to 30 years.  All the victim wanted to do was find the person who saved his life and called 911 and Anderson made that happen for him. Come to find out the guy who saved his life was a police officer from the next town over who was dropping his kid off at his mothers house close by.

This kid is so lucky to still be alive.

What the hell is this world coming too.

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